/niar.house was created by an architect, looking to expand her creativity spectrum from digital work to small scale object craftmanship. Through the experience of designing and the exploration of leathercraft niar.house was created.
/niar.house is an exploration of Fashion and Design, through leathercraft. We aim to design the products as statement pieces to elevate your style, while maintaining your own elegance. But why .house?
/niar.house is composed of “rooms”, like a true house, which are considered the various categories of the brand. The goal of the brand is to expand these “rooms” and offer you a variety of unique and creative long-lasting products.
/niar.house products are labeled with a unique code that indicates the “room” number the product belongs to, and a distinctive 3 digit number for the design.
---last but not least--- Hope you enjoy your visit to the /niar.house and come back to see the new “rooms” that are getting built.